About Us

Photo of a keyboard, some guitar amplifiers and an electric guitar in a home studio

We have been creating music in our own home studios for many years, and love to share our knowledge. We do this on this website and on the Home Music Creator YouTube channel.

There has never been a better time to create music at home. The technology, software and hardware available for relatively little money is incredible. But there is so much out there, it can be difficult to navigate all the information and know where to start.

That’s where Home Music Creator comes in. We are passionate about helping others create great-sounding music, which is entirely feasible using today’s technology. This website will help you with the questions you have regarding making music in your home studio. That home studio could be just a laptop, audio interface and a pair of headphones or a dedicated acoustically treated room with thousands of dollars worth of professional studio equipment.

Recording and music production is a big part of what we do. But that is not all. Supposing you want to hear your electric guitar at home without buying a big and bulky amplifier. Or suppose you want to know how to get sound out of a MIDI controller keyboard that contains no sounds of its own. These types of questions and much more are answered on this website.

We share our knowledge and passion of music making with others, by creating tutorials for aspects of music production and answering questions novice music creators often have.

The driving force behind Home Music Creator is Paul Douglas, and you can read all about him here.