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Mixing is a vital part of music production. In professional studios, mixing is done in an acoustically treated room using high-end studio monitor speakers. However, in most home studios this sort of...
Mixing and mastering are crucial parts of the music production process, yet they are often confused with each other. It has taken me many years of making music in my home studio and releasing music...
Mastering is probably the most misunderstood aspect of music production, particularly by home recording musicians. It was only a few years ago when I had to prepare some of my songs for commercial...
Mixing has always been the most difficult part of home recording for me. I have got better and better at it over the years though. One of the things that has enormously helped me to achieve better...
Mixing is one of the hardest aspects of music production to get your head around, especially for beginners. With so many aspects such as gain staging, EQ, compression, automation etc. it is difficult...
Equalization (EQ) was always one of the most challenging aspects of music production for me to learn when I was first starting out. However, I found if the meanings of EQ numbers and settings are...